We have accomplished a great deal in 2022. I’d like to report on some projects and policies that have benefitted our congregation.
For our High Holiday and Friday night services, we have been able to Zoom and have services in person. The technology has not failed us, although it has required a little boo$t to make it work more smoothly. Thanks to all who have gotten the cameras, microphones, and computers to work.
The Campaign Committee has done a fantastic job of contacting our community from near and far. We have surpassed our initial goals and have assured the continuity of Temple Sholom and the Brookside Cemetery. Thank you for all your organization and dedication.
The Landscaping Committee arranged for the removal of our 70+ year old bushes and the planting of a variety of hardy, low-maintenance and beautiful plants. I am looking forward to what the future brings. Thanks to the planners, waterers, and mulch movers for keep the costs of this project under control.
Our religious school has prospered. We have wonderful students, dedicated teachers, enthusiastic musicians, delicious snacks, and great activities to keep everyone involved. Thanks to all who are active in making Sunday mornings vibrant.
For the future, we have several challenges.
We must continue to strive to meet the religious, spiritual, and emotional needs of members and friends in the area. Throughout the pandemic, it has been difficult to stay connected. I was thrilled that so many were able to attend the Seder, High Holiday Services, Doug’s Bar Mitzvah, and my Commemorative Bat Mitzvah. We can inspire each other and support each other.
The Security Committee is exploring options in order to make our facility safer. We have some security by checking persons wishing to enter our building. We have involved the Galesburg Police Department in understanding our concerns. We are looking into cameras, window film, door locks, signs, and monitoring. We have had two groups of experts give us recommendations. We will be applying for a grant to help defray some of the costs.
We will continually work to make healthy and reasonable policies to face the uncertainties of the pandemic.
We have prayed together to hope for a world that will no longer have to face threats of disease, hatred, and violence.
May it be so in 2023,
I am writing this message on one of the first sunny and warm (at least warm-for-December-in-Central-Illinois) days we’ve had in a while. For a moment, I could forget that Winter has only just begun. That said, I found my thoughts wandering to the part of the Amidah where we pray for “the wind to shift and the rain to fall.” Ours is a religion of time, so deeply following the seasons that our calendar follows a 19 YEAR CYCLE so that our holidays are in step with mother nature.
But in the Talmud, the rabbis have a discussion asking why we start asking for “the rain to fall” at the beginning of the holiday of Sukkot, when rain at that moment would prohibit us from being able to fulfill the mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah. Rabbi Eliezer has an interesting response. He says that by including this line, we are not asking for rain, but instead merely mentioning G-d’s ability to make the wind blow and rain fall, in its due time.
And so I would like to mention that winter can feel like a dark and bleak time. The sun refuses to show her face for days at a time. It’s cold. You have to shovel snow. But I’d also like to mention it’s a time for warm soups, hot chocolate, and board games. A time to rest and reflect. A time of growth as we wait for things to start growing once again. And a time to look forward to our next holidays: Tu B’Shevat, the new year for trees, and Passover, which happens right at the beginning of Spring.
My wish is for you to be warm, healthy, and to always be open to seeing and mentioning the beautiful world around you.
בְּאַהֲבָה (with love),
Jennie (she/her)
Winter/Spring 2023
Date |
Leader |
Oneg |
Tech |
Shamash |
Holiday |
1/6 |
Rabbi Bunde |
Schulz |
Amor |
Schulz |
1/13 |
Lyon |
Bunde |
Gold |
1/20 |
West |
West |
Bunde |
1/27 |
D. Bunde |
Karlin/Raley-Karlin |
Lyon |
2/3 |
Jacobs |
Cohn/Eberhardt |
Amor |
Tu B’Shevat 2/26 |
2/10 |
Gold |
Lyon |
Gold |
2/17 |
Rabbi Bunde |
Jacobs |
Bunde |
M. Lyon |
2//24 |
Schulz |
Schulz |
Lyon |
3/3 |
Lyon |
Satisky |
Amor |
Purim 3/7 |
3/10 |
Youth Service |
H. Lyon |
Gold |
3/17 |
Karlin/Raley-Karlin |
Gold |
Bunde |
3/24 |
Rabbi Bunde |
Schulz |
Lyon |
Gold |
3/31 |
West |
West |
Amor |
Erev Pesach 4/5 |
4/7 |
Amor |
Bunde |
Gold |
4/14 |
Rabbi Bunde |
Karlin/Raley-Karlin |
Lyon |
M. Lyon |
4/21 |
D. Bunde |
Lyon |
Bunde |
4/28 |
Schulz |
Cohn/Eberhardt |
Amor |
5/5 |
Rabbi Bunde |
Jacobs |
Gold |
Schulz |
5/12 |
Gold |
Bunde |
Bunde |
5/19 |
Satisky-Schulz |
Satisky |
Lyon |
5/26 |
Amor |
Gold |
Amor |
Shavuot 5/26 |
6/2 |
Lyon |
Schulz |
Gold |
Oneg responsibilities include: providing the food for the oneg, setting it out in the social hall, and cleaning up afterwards. (Beverages are kept in stock at the temple.) If you cannot attend services the evening you are assigned for the oneg, please switch with someone for another night, rather than just dropping off the food ahead of time. Thanks!
Need to switch?
If you cannot lead the service or provide the oneg, please find someone to switch with. Inform David Bunde of the switch, too, as he sends out the weekly reminders.
To Jim Jacobs on the upcoming release of his second Young Adult novel this coming year. A date hasn’t been set for release, but it will likely be late spring or early summer 2023. The title is Growing Season. It’s a sequel to his first novel, No Ordinary Season.
To Leanne Trapedo Sims on the forthcoming publication of her book “Reckoning with Restorative Justice: Hawai’i Women’s Prison Writing” (https://www.dukeupress.edu/reckoning-with-restorative-justice). She will also be co-teaching a course in Guadalajara, Mexico–at ITESO University– in the summer with a local feminist scholar: Gender-Based Violence Across Borders; as well as presenting on a panel with local feminist and Indigenous activists.
To David Bunde on his conversion to Judaism.
To the awesome mulch party participants who used their arms, backs, legs, and enthusiasm to get the job done: Judy Thorn, Sam Satisky, Kevin Satisky, Faye Schulz, Hannah Lyon, Maury Lyon, John Lane, Penny Gold, Steve Cohn, David Bunde, Doug Bunde, Zack Bunde, JJ Bunde, and Darrell Bunde.
To the members of the Capital Campaign committee for their stellar work on our successful campaign: Penny Gold and Bob Bondi (co-chairs), David Amor, Maury Lyon, Kevin Satisky, and Terry Schubach.
To the members of the Landscaping group, who oversaw the design and planting of our landscaping: Hannah Lyon (chair), Penny Gold, Faye Schulz, Judy Thorn. Thanks also to these and to the additional people who took care of the watering of the plants this fall: David Amor, David Bunde, Steve Cohn, and Maury Lyon (who also set up the watering system with Hannah).
Here are excerpts from a couple of letters the Temple received. Faye has the originals if you want to look at the full messages.
From FISH for our High Holiday donations: “Thank you for your most generous cash and non-perishable food donation to FISH of Galesburg! We are so very grateful for this gift, which will help provide food assistance to many in our area who struggle to feed their families.”
From Mrs. Jeffrey Louis Myers, accompanying a donation in honor of David Litvin: “David and I were GHS Class of 1967 classmates. I think he and I first met when we were students at GHS. My husband and I visited David when he was in the nursing home in Galesburg. He remembered me from our high school years as well as from the later years when our son, Jasen Louis Clay Myers, was a student at GHS. While David was in the nursing home, I sent him a few notes & cards. I wish I would have been able to do more. He was a good man and a dear friend. He was always in my prayers. He will be missed.” (The envelope was decorated with inspirational quotes.)
2023/5783 Festival Schedule
(Note: festival begins the previous sunset)
- Tu B’Shvat: Feb 6
- Pesach: Apr 6-13
- Shavuot: May 26
- Purim: Mar 7
For security reasons, car access to Brookside Cemetery is controlled by having a locked gate at the entrance, but you can always walk in through the smaller gate to the side. Make a note of the lock combination (0311) so that you have it when you go to visit the cemetery. Please make sure the gate is closed after you exit, with the padlock re-locked. If you have any questions, please contact one of the cemetery trustees: Bob Bondi, David Amor, and Jeremy Karlin.
SCHOLARSHIP FUNDING AVAILABLE FOR JEWISH CAMPS: A $200 scholarship per child per year to families sending children to Jewish camps. A maximum of $1,000 will be budgeted yearly. Apply to the Temple Treasurer by January 15.
Once a year we put a reminder in the bulletin about the Temple’s Hesed Committee. If you know of someone who might need assistance, or if you could use some help yourself, contact Penny Gold. (pgold@knox.edu), who will follow up from there. Examples of the kinds of help we can provide:
- Dinner meals for a period of time when someone is ill, or for a family where a new baby has been born.
- Rides to services for those who can’t drive.
- Visits to someone who is ill or in a nursing home.
- Participation in daily services during shiva, and providing food at the home.
- Welcoming newcomers to the community.
In memory of Eugene Endicott
Carol Grodjesk
In honor of the birth of Raphael Micah Rubin
Nancy Eberhardt and Steve Cohn
Carol Grodjesk
Penny Gold and David Amor
In thanks for Jennie Bunde for performing the bris for Raphael
Jonah Rubin and Michal Ran Rubin
In memory of Khaya Taymanova
The Fayman family
In memory of Yeva Faynova
The Fayman Family
In memory of David Litvin
Karl Johnson
Patrick and Teresa Burns
Marjorie Tippey (nee Sults)
Barbara and Robert Weaver
Mrs. Jeffrey Louis Myers
In honor of Maury Lyon’s 70th birthday
Sarene Rosen (Aunt Sarene)
In memory of Monica Berlin
Susan and Maury Lyon
In honor of Raphael Rubin
Susan and Maury Lyon
In honor of Doug Bunde’s bar mitvah
Susan and Maury Lyon
A general donation
Janis A. Zilinskas-Arciniegas
Don’t see your name? If you have made a donation but do not see your name on this list and/or have not received an acknowledgement by mail, please let Nancy Eberhardt know. Sorry in advance for any slip ups!
Making a donation to Temple Sholom? If you would like to make a donation to Temple Sholom, please send your check to: Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-050, identifying the nature of the gift (e.g., in memory of, in honor of, or for the speed recovery of a particular person). Maury will notify Nancy Eberhardt, who takes care of correspondence concerning such gifts (e.g., notifying the family of the deceased that a gift has been made in memory of that person).
Happy Tree of Life Donations
Donations may be made in recognition of a variety of events, for example: in honor of a happy occasion (anniversary, birth, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, etc.), or in honor of an individual or family. Donations may be made by an individual or a group, and may be made at three levels: a leaf ($200), an acorn ($500), and a stone ($1,000). A leaf can be engraved with four lines of text with 20 characters in each line, plus a brief fifth line (often a date). Acorns and stones are larger than leaves and can accommodate more text. Sample wordings can be found by looking on the Happy Tree of Life. If you want to make a donation, you can send your gift, along with specification of wording, to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501
Memorial Plaques: If you would like to purchase a memorial plaque ($250), send your donation and desired wording to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501. You will find samples of what to include on the plaque by looking at ones already on the memorial board.
We are delighted to report that our capital campaign brought in pledges totaling $314,801, which is 25% above our original goal of $250,000. Through the collaboration of the Temple and Brookside Cemetery, and the generosity of our donors, we have established the financial basis for accomplishing our campaign goals:
- to secure the legacy of previous generations by increasing endowments for the Temple Sholom Building Fund and resources for Brookside cemetery so that these essential physical foundations of our Jewish community will be maintained long into the future;
- to shape the future of the community by increasing the Temple’s general endowment fund, enabling us to think more freely about activities that will enhance the experience of people within the congregation as well as enhance the relationship of the Temple to the larger local community.
Many thanks to all who contributed to the campaign! Our donors include not only current members of the Temple community, but people involved as far back as the 1940s and from every decade in between–people involved as members, children, rabbis, and Knox students, as well as friends of the community (both individuals and businesses). Your gifts have contributed not only to the financial well-being of Temple Sholom and Brookside Cemetery, but to the spirit and confidence of the Jewish community of Galesburg.
You will find a list of donors and honorees at the end of the bulletin.
Penny Gold & Bob Bondi, co-chairs of the Campaign Committee
Gift shop offerings have been pared back to candles (Shabbat, memorial, Hanukkah) and mezuzot. The easiest times to access the case are Friday evenings before or after services. For access at another time, contact Faye Schulz, 335-7192.
Temple Sholom/Brookside Cemetery Capital Campaign, 2021-2022
- Anonymous
- Dick and Mary Lu Aft
- Dean Alexander
- David Amor & Penny Gold
- Teresa Amott & Ray Miller
- Jackie Bailleu
- Anthony Barash
- Scott Barash
- Diana Beck
- Jerry & Pam Belfor
- Kenneth Berkowitz
- Jodie Zeldes Bernstein
- Rabbi William Blank
- Aaron Bondi
- Robert Bondi
- Lawrence & Sandy Breitborde
- Timothy & Rochelle Sinn Brennan
- The Bunde Family
- Maury Cohn
- Steve Cohn & Nancy Eberhardt
- Marjorie Rudman Cooper & Steven Cooper
- Rabbi Reni Dickman & Aaron Nessel
- Dowers Roofing
- Gary Ellenberg
- Sam & Yana Fayman
- Rabbi Dena Feingold
- Mr. & Mrs. Michel Feldman
- Brenda & Stephen Fineberg
- Bruce & Denise Foote
- Tom Frankel
- Susan Glazer & Rabbi Marc J. Belgrad
- Elissa & Jonathan GoldbergBelle
- Brian & Susan Lawrence Goldstein
- Lea Greenberg
- Carol Grodjesk
- Charles & Charlotte Gruner
- Sandy Guttman
- Rabbi Rosette Haim
- David & Maxie Hecht
- Rabbi Jason & Jodi Holtz
- Hattie & Jim Jacobs
- Erica Jaffe
- Kent & Theresa Jaffe
- Jeremy Karlin & Gabrielle Raley-Karlin
- Debra & Marc Katchen
- Edward & Karen Koijane
- Jerald A. & Julie A. Krueger
- Mike and Marianne Lawrence
- David Litvin
- Ronald & Lori Litvin
- Rabbi Daveen Litwin
- Avram Lyon
- Ezra & Stephanie Lyon
- Gabriel & Alex Lyon
- Hannah Lyon
- Maury & Susan Lyon
- Glenn Mandel
- David & Nancy Meyer
- Mary & Neal Meyerson
- Kate & Mark Michelson
- Kirk Michelson & Karen Antone
- Midwest Bank
- Neil Thomas Plumbing and Heating
- Frederick Ortner
- John Planer
- James & Suellen Purlee
- Michal Ran-Rubin & Jonah Rubin
- Seamus & Maeve Reilly
- Steven Rock & Denise Elston
- Kevin Satisky & Judy Thorn
- Rachel Meyer Sauer and family
- Betty Schermer
- Connie Schimmel Shapiro
- Judy Schimmel Weil
- Mary Schimmel Bernstein
- Rabbi Ora Schnitzer
- Terry Schubach & Larry Gelb
- Charles & Faye Schulz
- Clifford & Nancy Scott-Rudnick
- Judy Sidell
- Leanne Trapedo Sims
- Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Sinn
- Barry E. Stein
- Anne & Roger Taylor
- Rabbi Gerry Walter
- Cathy Walters
- The Dusti & Julie (Rudman) Watson Family
- Marilyn Webb & John Sheedy
- Cynthia Weintraub
- Guy West
- Jan West
- James Whitehill & Jane Rodda
- Douglas Wilson
- Christine Winick
- Michael L. & Sheryl B. Wintory
- Marc Wollman
- Janis Zilinskas
Gifts have been made in memory or in honor of the following people
- The families who founded Temple Sholom
- The religious school teachers
- David Amor
- Jeremy Gold Amor
- Barry Barash
- Burrel Barash
- Dora Barash
- Max Barash
- Rosalyne Barash
- Aaron Berkowitz
- Honora Berkowitz
- Lee Berkowitz
- Maurice Berkowitz
- The Bondi family
- Janet Caparelli
- Joyce Carlson
- The Dorfman family
- Michael Fayman
- Alexander Faynov
- Yeva Faynova
- Dave Feldman
- Jack Feldman
- Norma Feldman
- Penny Gold
- Kenneth B. Grodjesk
- Dr. David Haim
- Fani Haim
- Esther Halpert
- Ethel Hecht
- Joseph Hecht
- Irwin Jaffe
- Sylvia Jaffe
- Tillie Kalen
- The Krueger family
- Gladys Lawrence
- Mark Lawrence
- Annie Levy
- Ben Litvin
- Dena Litvin
- Betty Lyon
- Phil Lyon
- The Louis Meyer Family
- Fanny Meyer
- Louis Meyer
- Oren Meyer
- Roy Meyer
- Lester Michell
- Pauline Michell
- Lillian Michelson
- Werner Michelson
- Helen Planer
- Joseph Planer
- Uri Ran
- Gary Rubin
- The Mitchell Rudman Family
- Dan Rudman
- Mitchell Rudman
- Rose Rudman
- Sue Rudman
- Arkadi Safrut
- Sofia Safrut
- The Schimmel family
- Fred Schubach
- Louise Schubach
- The Sidell family
- Farrol Hyman Sims, M.D.
- Milton Sinn
- Molly Sinn
- Mary M. Stein
- Khaya Taymanova
- The West family
- Allie Whitehill
- Andrew Whitehill
- Shyla Slobodkin Wollman
- Louis Zeldes
- Sophie Zeldes
Winter/Spring 2023 Temple Bulletin
January 12, 2023 by templesholomgalesburg • Uncategorized Tags: Temple Bulletin •
We have accomplished a great deal in 2022. I’d like to report on some projects and policies that have benefitted our congregation.
For our High Holiday and Friday night services, we have been able to Zoom and have services in person. The technology has not failed us, although it has required a little boo$t to make it work more smoothly. Thanks to all who have gotten the cameras, microphones, and computers to work.
The Campaign Committee has done a fantastic job of contacting our community from near and far. We have surpassed our initial goals and have assured the continuity of Temple Sholom and the Brookside Cemetery. Thank you for all your organization and dedication.
The Landscaping Committee arranged for the removal of our 70+ year old bushes and the planting of a variety of hardy, low-maintenance and beautiful plants. I am looking forward to what the future brings. Thanks to the planners, waterers, and mulch movers for keep the costs of this project under control.
Our religious school has prospered. We have wonderful students, dedicated teachers, enthusiastic musicians, delicious snacks, and great activities to keep everyone involved. Thanks to all who are active in making Sunday mornings vibrant.
For the future, we have several challenges.
We must continue to strive to meet the religious, spiritual, and emotional needs of members and friends in the area. Throughout the pandemic, it has been difficult to stay connected. I was thrilled that so many were able to attend the Seder, High Holiday Services, Doug’s Bar Mitzvah, and my Commemorative Bat Mitzvah. We can inspire each other and support each other.
The Security Committee is exploring options in order to make our facility safer. We have some security by checking persons wishing to enter our building. We have involved the Galesburg Police Department in understanding our concerns. We are looking into cameras, window film, door locks, signs, and monitoring. We have had two groups of experts give us recommendations. We will be applying for a grant to help defray some of the costs.
We will continually work to make healthy and reasonable policies to face the uncertainties of the pandemic.
We have prayed together to hope for a world that will no longer have to face threats of disease, hatred, and violence.
May it be so in 2023,
I am writing this message on one of the first sunny and warm (at least warm-for-December-in-Central-Illinois) days we’ve had in a while. For a moment, I could forget that Winter has only just begun. That said, I found my thoughts wandering to the part of the Amidah where we pray for “the wind to shift and the rain to fall.” Ours is a religion of time, so deeply following the seasons that our calendar follows a 19 YEAR CYCLE so that our holidays are in step with mother nature.
But in the Talmud, the rabbis have a discussion asking why we start asking for “the rain to fall” at the beginning of the holiday of Sukkot, when rain at that moment would prohibit us from being able to fulfill the mitzvah of dwelling in the sukkah. Rabbi Eliezer has an interesting response. He says that by including this line, we are not asking for rain, but instead merely mentioning G-d’s ability to make the wind blow and rain fall, in its due time.
And so I would like to mention that winter can feel like a dark and bleak time. The sun refuses to show her face for days at a time. It’s cold. You have to shovel snow. But I’d also like to mention it’s a time for warm soups, hot chocolate, and board games. A time to rest and reflect. A time of growth as we wait for things to start growing once again. And a time to look forward to our next holidays: Tu B’Shevat, the new year for trees, and Passover, which happens right at the beginning of Spring.
My wish is for you to be warm, healthy, and to always be open to seeing and mentioning the beautiful world around you.
בְּאַהֲבָה (with love),
Jennie (she/her)
Winter/Spring 2023
Oneg responsibilities include: providing the food for the oneg, setting it out in the social hall, and cleaning up afterwards. (Beverages are kept in stock at the temple.) If you cannot attend services the evening you are assigned for the oneg, please switch with someone for another night, rather than just dropping off the food ahead of time. Thanks!
Need to switch?
If you cannot lead the service or provide the oneg, please find someone to switch with. Inform David Bunde of the switch, too, as he sends out the weekly reminders.
To Jim Jacobs on the upcoming release of his second Young Adult novel this coming year. A date hasn’t been set for release, but it will likely be late spring or early summer 2023. The title is Growing Season. It’s a sequel to his first novel, No Ordinary Season.
To Leanne Trapedo Sims on the forthcoming publication of her book “Reckoning with Restorative Justice: Hawai’i Women’s Prison Writing” (https://www.dukeupress.edu/reckoning-with-restorative-justice). She will also be co-teaching a course in Guadalajara, Mexico–at ITESO University– in the summer with a local feminist scholar: Gender-Based Violence Across Borders; as well as presenting on a panel with local feminist and Indigenous activists.
To David Bunde on his conversion to Judaism.
To the awesome mulch party participants who used their arms, backs, legs, and enthusiasm to get the job done: Judy Thorn, Sam Satisky, Kevin Satisky, Faye Schulz, Hannah Lyon, Maury Lyon, John Lane, Penny Gold, Steve Cohn, David Bunde, Doug Bunde, Zack Bunde, JJ Bunde, and Darrell Bunde.
To the members of the Capital Campaign committee for their stellar work on our successful campaign: Penny Gold and Bob Bondi (co-chairs), David Amor, Maury Lyon, Kevin Satisky, and Terry Schubach.
To the members of the Landscaping group, who oversaw the design and planting of our landscaping: Hannah Lyon (chair), Penny Gold, Faye Schulz, Judy Thorn. Thanks also to these and to the additional people who took care of the watering of the plants this fall: David Amor, David Bunde, Steve Cohn, and Maury Lyon (who also set up the watering system with Hannah).
Here are excerpts from a couple of letters the Temple received. Faye has the originals if you want to look at the full messages.
From FISH for our High Holiday donations: “Thank you for your most generous cash and non-perishable food donation to FISH of Galesburg! We are so very grateful for this gift, which will help provide food assistance to many in our area who struggle to feed their families.”
From Mrs. Jeffrey Louis Myers, accompanying a donation in honor of David Litvin: “David and I were GHS Class of 1967 classmates. I think he and I first met when we were students at GHS. My husband and I visited David when he was in the nursing home in Galesburg. He remembered me from our high school years as well as from the later years when our son, Jasen Louis Clay Myers, was a student at GHS. While David was in the nursing home, I sent him a few notes & cards. I wish I would have been able to do more. He was a good man and a dear friend. He was always in my prayers. He will be missed.” (The envelope was decorated with inspirational quotes.)
2023/5783 Festival Schedule
(Note: festival begins the previous sunset)
For security reasons, car access to Brookside Cemetery is controlled by having a locked gate at the entrance, but you can always walk in through the smaller gate to the side. Make a note of the lock combination (0311) so that you have it when you go to visit the cemetery. Please make sure the gate is closed after you exit, with the padlock re-locked. If you have any questions, please contact one of the cemetery trustees: Bob Bondi, David Amor, and Jeremy Karlin.
SCHOLARSHIP FUNDING AVAILABLE FOR JEWISH CAMPS: A $200 scholarship per child per year to families sending children to Jewish camps. A maximum of $1,000 will be budgeted yearly. Apply to the Temple Treasurer by January 15.
Once a year we put a reminder in the bulletin about the Temple’s Hesed Committee. If you know of someone who might need assistance, or if you could use some help yourself, contact Penny Gold. (pgold@knox.edu), who will follow up from there. Examples of the kinds of help we can provide:
In memory of Eugene Endicott
Carol Grodjesk
In honor of the birth of Raphael Micah Rubin
Nancy Eberhardt and Steve Cohn
Carol Grodjesk
Penny Gold and David Amor
In thanks for Jennie Bunde for performing the bris for Raphael
Jonah Rubin and Michal Ran Rubin
In memory of Khaya Taymanova
The Fayman family
In memory of Yeva Faynova
The Fayman Family
In memory of David Litvin
Karl Johnson
Patrick and Teresa Burns
Marjorie Tippey (nee Sults)
Barbara and Robert Weaver
Mrs. Jeffrey Louis Myers
In honor of Maury Lyon’s 70th birthday
Sarene Rosen (Aunt Sarene)
In memory of Monica Berlin
Susan and Maury Lyon
In honor of Raphael Rubin
Susan and Maury Lyon
In honor of Doug Bunde’s bar mitvah
Susan and Maury Lyon
A general donation
Janis A. Zilinskas-Arciniegas
Don’t see your name? If you have made a donation but do not see your name on this list and/or have not received an acknowledgement by mail, please let Nancy Eberhardt know. Sorry in advance for any slip ups!
Making a donation to Temple Sholom? If you would like to make a donation to Temple Sholom, please send your check to: Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-050, identifying the nature of the gift (e.g., in memory of, in honor of, or for the speed recovery of a particular person). Maury will notify Nancy Eberhardt, who takes care of correspondence concerning such gifts (e.g., notifying the family of the deceased that a gift has been made in memory of that person).
Happy Tree of Life Donations
Donations may be made in recognition of a variety of events, for example: in honor of a happy occasion (anniversary, birth, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, etc.), or in honor of an individual or family. Donations may be made by an individual or a group, and may be made at three levels: a leaf ($200), an acorn ($500), and a stone ($1,000). A leaf can be engraved with four lines of text with 20 characters in each line, plus a brief fifth line (often a date). Acorns and stones are larger than leaves and can accommodate more text. Sample wordings can be found by looking on the Happy Tree of Life. If you want to make a donation, you can send your gift, along with specification of wording, to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501
Memorial Plaques: If you would like to purchase a memorial plaque ($250), send your donation and desired wording to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501. You will find samples of what to include on the plaque by looking at ones already on the memorial board.
We are delighted to report that our capital campaign brought in pledges totaling $314,801, which is 25% above our original goal of $250,000. Through the collaboration of the Temple and Brookside Cemetery, and the generosity of our donors, we have established the financial basis for accomplishing our campaign goals:
Many thanks to all who contributed to the campaign! Our donors include not only current members of the Temple community, but people involved as far back as the 1940s and from every decade in between–people involved as members, children, rabbis, and Knox students, as well as friends of the community (both individuals and businesses). Your gifts have contributed not only to the financial well-being of Temple Sholom and Brookside Cemetery, but to the spirit and confidence of the Jewish community of Galesburg.
You will find a list of donors and honorees at the end of the bulletin.
Penny Gold & Bob Bondi, co-chairs of the Campaign Committee
Gift shop offerings have been pared back to candles (Shabbat, memorial, Hanukkah) and mezuzot. The easiest times to access the case are Friday evenings before or after services. For access at another time, contact Faye Schulz, 335-7192.
Temple Sholom/Brookside Cemetery Capital Campaign, 2021-2022
Gifts have been made in memory or in honor of the following people