Summer 2021
Temple Sholom
Monroe & North Streets
P.O. Box 501
Galesburg, IL 60402-0501
President’s Message
I became President of the Temple a year ago. A major achievement during my presidency is that the Temple made the decision to get internet service. When I said this to my son, he said I was “off the rails.” And in a town like Galesburg, so full of trains, being off the rails doesn’t seem like a good thing. But it’s not simply about having internet at Temple Sholom. It’s about our community and holding it together. About allowing it to reach all of those who are part of our extended community, no matter where they live. Over the past year we have been able to hold Shabbat services on-line. We have been able to continue our Jewish education, celebrate a Bar Mitzvah, and be together (virtually) over the Holidays. As restrictions slowly lift, we are beginning to see each other in person and combine our old traditions with new ones. We are working towards a new normal that will allow us to continue to be a community going into the future. I am excited to see more of us in person as our communities open back up to a new “normal.”
As I look forward, we are in the beginning stages of planning a capital campaign that hopefully will provide financial stability for our congregation for years to come.
Thank you for supporting me as the President and the Temple with all of your hard work, openness, and kindness. Thank you for being part of keeping all of us “on the rails.”
Kevin Satisky
What a Difference a Year Makes
As I sat down to write this article, I reviewed my message to you from last year at this time. Last year, we were in the throes of the pandemic. We were forced to have to reconfigure our lives in so many ways. What before we considered normalcy was thrown out the window as we had to make peace with a totally new reality in which the way we lived our lives had to be curtailed and reconfigured; in which our continued health and life could no longer be taken for granted, and every choice we made was nothing less than an existential one.
What a difference a year makes! Today many, if not most, of us have been fully vaccinated. If so, the medical effects have liberated us from face masks and social distancing. We can travel. We can dine in restaurants and go to the movies. We can hug each other! Life is beginning to return to some semblance of what, before the pandemic, we considered to be normal.
While we may be moving back toward something akin to normal, will life ever again be for us truly normal? I don’t think so. Actually, I hope not. For there is nothing like an existential crisis to help us to look at life, the world around us, and the people we cherish through new eyes. Eyes of a greater awareness and a deeper appreciation.
As a rabbi, so often throughout the years I have sought to remind my congregants to count their blessings. Especially living in a nation like the U.S.A., our lives tend to be filled with countless blessings. But there is a problem with living lives in which our blessings overflow. That problem is that when we enjoy so many blessings, we tend to take each and every one of them – or at least most of them – for granted. But after living the year we just endured, wondering whether or not we would fall victim to that dreaded disease and if so, what toll would it take on us and would we survive, we are no longer free to take our blessings for granted. If COVID has taught us nothing else, it should have taught us to take nothing for granted. With almost 171 million cases worldwide, over 34 million of them in the U.S.A. alone, and with over 3.5 million deaths worldwide, over 605,000 of them in our nation, no longer are we free to take our manifold blessings for granted. That, in and of itself is yet one more blessing we can add to our bounty of blessings; a keener awareness of how blessed we truly are.
As we approach the coming summer, may we revel in the sun shining on our faces and our bodies enwrapped in its warmth. May we savor the taste of fresh air as we spend so much of our time outdoors after a year of sheltering at home. May we be filled with the love and joy of our reunions with family and friends whose hands we have not touched for these all too many months. To see those we care about eye-to-eye, to be in their physical company, hopefully will never again be something we take for granted, but we will cherish, every single moment we share their company.
Have a Joyful, Restful, Wonderful, Summer, Filled with an Attitude of Gratitude for All our Many Blessings, and a Fuller Awareness of the Presence of God in Our Lives!
Rabbi Henry Jay Karp
It somehow seems appropriate that as I am writing this, my first newsletter message as rabbinic intern, that we are reading Numbers during our weekly Torah readings. The Hebrew word for the Book of Numbers is Bamidbar, meaning “in the wilderness.” And that’s kind of how I feel right now – that we’re in uncharted territory.
It’s going to be a time of change and shifting roles and expectations, and I plan on doing my best. But as with anything new, there’s bound to be some growing pains as we adjust.
My goals, both as a rabbinic intern here, and for my future rabbinate, are to strengthen the Jewish community and widen the leadership base. My hope is to try some new things – which means I’ll be failing a lot – most things don’t succeed on their first try, but if we’re lucky, we’ll find some successes too.
During this crazy pandemic, a phase I have often heard and even more often used, is that we should give everyone “an extra helping of grace.” And by that, I mean that the way we survive (what I hope is the end of) COVID 19 and make our way back to normalcy, is that we need to give a little extra patience, a little extra kindness, a little more benefit of the doubt than we gave to people before. For myself, I feel like COVID has shortened my fuse, and I need to work that much harder to remind myself to be as kind and understanding as possible. The pandemic has been really rough for many of us, and we all could use an extra helping of grace. Most Hebrew/English dictionaries translate “grace” to chen/חן. But חן has a meaning much closer to “favor” or even “loveliness.” Instead, the attribute that I am aiming for is rachamim/רחמים meaning “compassion.” I love that the root for רחמים, is ר ח מ the same root for the word “womb.” Rachamim, for me, means strengthening my mothering attributes. In a tradition steeped in masculine imagery, I love drawing on the feminine aspect of G-d as I work on improving myself.
At some point or other during the pandemic, I think most of us have felt that we are stumbling around in the wilderness, bamidbar. I’m not here to lead us to any promised land, nor do I have any expectations of trying to do so. Instead, I hope to bring as much rachamim as I can to my role as rabbinic intern, and walk with you as we make our way through the wilderness together.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer, and I look forward to seeing and talking to you all soon. Much love,
Jennie Bunde
Three people will be serving Temple Sholom in rabbinic roles in the 2021/22 year: Rabbi Henry Karp will be continuing as our rabbi, but will be coming for just four visits during the year; Rabbi Reni Dickman will be returning to lead us in High Holiday services; and rabbinical student (and member of the congregation) Jennie Bunde will be doing a rabbinic internship from July 2021 through June 2022. A rabbinic internship is part of the program of the Academy for Jewish Religion-California, where Jennie is entering her 4th year. The role of the intern is similar to that of rabbinical students from URJ who have served our congregation in the past. The main difference is that AJRC interns have a local mentor (often a full-time rabbi at the congregation) who advises and consults with the intern. Rabbi Karp will be the main person serving in this role for Jennie, with Rabbi Dickman serving as mentor for the High Holidays.
To Maury Cohn, who has been hired as the Assistant Conductor of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, a 1-to-2-year position that begins in September.
To Maury Lyon, for re-election to District 205 School Board and David Amor for re-election to the Knox County Board. Maury was also re-elected to the position of Secretary of the School Board, and David to Vice-Chair of the County Board.
To the family of Dan Rudman, for the recognition of Dan as one of the nine Paul Harris Fellows for 2020 named by the Rotary Club. For each Fellow, $1,000 is donated to Rotary International in their name.
To Rebecca Watson, on her graduation from Galesburg High School; Becca will be attending Texas A&M in the fall.
To Maury Lyon, for mowing our large expanse of grass.
To Faye Schulz and Jonah Rubin for tending to the grounds of the Temple, including picking up leaves and weed-whacking.
To all those who have taught our children Hebrew this year, even though religious school was in hiatus because of pandemic restrictions: Faye Schulz, Maury Lyon, David Bunde, Susan Lyon and Penny Gold.
To Jonah Rubin, Gabe Raley, Jim Jacobs, and Faye Schulz for checking the building every week, running the water and making sure that everything is secure.
Services in June through August are bi-weekly; no Oneg Shabbat until further notice. We are currently doing hybrid services, with some people present at the Temple and others at home, all connected with Zoom. Services are at 7:30 p.m. Central time. All are welcome to attend—distance is now no barrier: You can join us on Zoom. For login information, please email us.
Date |
leader |
6/11 |
Lyon |
6/18 |
no service |
6/25 |
Karlin |
7/2 |
no service |
7/9 |
Gold |
7/16 |
no service |
7/23 |
Bunde |
7/30 |
no service |
8/6 |
Jacobs |
8/13 |
no service |
8/20 |
Bunde |
8/27 |
no service |
8/28 |
Leil Selichot, Saturday evening service, 8:30 p.m., Bunde |
9/3 |
Schulz |
9/7 |
Rosh Hashanah |
9/10 |
Amor |
9/15 |
Kol Nidre |
9/16 |
Yom Kippur |
9/17 |
Rubin |
A full schedule of High Holiday services will be sent out in late August.
Need to switch?
If you cannot lead the service, please find someone to switch with. Inform David Bunde of the switch, too (david.bunde@gmail.com), as he sends out the weekly reminders.
Save the date!
Temple Sholom Annual Meeting
Sunday, July 11, time TBS
Summer/Fall Festival Schedule 2021 (5781/82)
(Note: festival begins the previous sunset)
Source: http://www.hebcal.com/holidays/
Tishah b’Av July 18
Leil Selichot August 28
Rosh Hashanah September 6
Yom Kippur September 16
Sukkot September 21-27
Simchat Torah September 29
Hannukah November 29-December 6
(from December 29, 2020 to June 6, 2021)
In memory of Joyce Carlson
Barb Reuter
In memory of Michael Fayman
Faye and Chuck Schulz
Jim and Hattie Jacobs
In memory of Dan and Sue Rudman
Jim and Hattie Jacobs
In honor of Susan and Maury Lyon’s 45th wedding anniversary
Jim and Hattie Jacobs
Memorial plaque for Jack Charles Feldman
Michel Feldman
Happy Tree of Life leaf
Sam and Yana Fayman, in honor of the birth of our granddaughter, Maya Garber, 11/28/20
Don’t see your name? If you have made a donation but do not see your name on this list and/or have not received an acknowledgement by mail, please let Penny Gold know. Sorry in advance for any slip ups!
Making a donation to Temple Sholom? If you would like to make a donation to Temple Sholom, please send your check to: Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-050, identifying the nature of the gift (e.g., in memory of, in honor of, or for the speed recovery of a particular person). Maury will notify Penny, who takes care of correspondence concerning such gifts (e.g., notifying the family of the deceased that a gift has been made in memory of that person).
Happy Tree of Life Donations
Donations may be made in recognition of a variety of events, for example: in honor of a happy occasion (anniversary, birth, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, etc.), or in honor of an individual or family. Donations may be made by an individual or a group, and may be made at three levels: a leaf ($200), an acorn ($500), and a stone ($1,000). A leaf can be engraved with four lines of text with 20 characters in each line, plus a brief fifth line (often a date). Acorns and stones are larger than leaves and can accommodate more text. Sample wordings can be found by looking on the Happy Tree of Life. If you want to make a donation, you can send your gift, along with specification of wording, to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501
Memorial plaques: If you would like to purchase a memorial plaque ($250), send your donation and desired wording to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501. You will find samples of what to include on the plaque by looking at ones already on the memorial board.
Gift Shop
Gift shop offerings have been pared back to candles (Shabbat, memorial, Hanukkah) and mezuzot. The easiest times to access the case are Friday evenings before or after services. For access at another time, contact Faye Schulz.
Corrections and additions: If you have corrections or additions for the new edition of Temple contact list, please send them to Penny Gold, pgold@knox.edu.
Proposals invited for use of the Chai Fund: In 2014, Temple Sholom received a gift of $10,188 from the Chai Foundation. We have drawn on these funds for several projects, using about one-third of the funding. The Temple Board welcomes proposals to use the fund; guidelines below. If you have an idea, you might want to start by discussing it with a board member. Proposals can be send to our president, Kevin Satisky, kevinsatisky@gmail.com
Mission Statement for use of the Chai Fund: Temple Sholom will use the money from the CHAI gift on initiatives that will invigorate the Temple community. The Temple will give each initiative up to $500. The funds can be used for (but not limited to):
- scholarships for skills/leadership development
- care of the Temple Sholom building and grounds
- programs that bring the temple community together and support our presence in Galesburg (and surrounding communities)
- tzedakah projects that engage the members of the congregation
- the purchase of religious objects/books, and technological additions and upgrades.
- When requesting for funds from the CHAI grant, Temple Sholom members should state how the supported project will realize the mission of invigorating the Temple community.
Access to Brookside Cemetery
Because of problems in the past with people dumping trash inside the grounds of Brookside Cemetery, the cemetery association installed a combination lock on the gates. In order that all legitimate visitors are able to access the cemetery, here are instructions. Please make a note of the lock combination so that you have it when you go to visit the cemetery.
Pull your car up close to the gate, to be out of traffic on Linwood Road. Use the small pedestrian gate to the left of the main gate to enter the cemetery. The lock is on the inside of the main gate. The combination tumblers are on the bottom of the lock, protected by a removable weatherproof rubber cover. The combination is 0311. Once the combination is set, depress the shackle and then pull or you will feel the lock open. To open the main gate, remove the lock and swing open the horizontal bar. There are two vertical rods seated into holes in the middle of the driveway. Lift up the rod holding the left gate, pull the gate inwards and set the rod into the hole on the left side of the driveway. Do the same with the right gate. Pull your car into the cemetery to park.
Please make sure to close the gate after you exit, reseating the vertical rods, replacing the horizontal bar and re-locking the lock. To lock the padlock, depress the shackle to the closed position and while holding the shackle, spin the tumblers to a different number. Replace the rubber protective cover.
You can also just leave your car pulled into the entry and visit the cemetery on foot, but you will then need to be careful backing into Linwood Road when you exit.
We are sorry that the bad practices of a few have made this process necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by contacting one of the cemetery trustees: Bob Bondi, David Amor, Jeremy Karlin.
please bookmark these links
Temple Sholom website: http://www.templesholom.co/
Note: Our website is undergoing a major reworking, and will go public this summer with a new address. We will send out the new URL when the site is completed.
Temple Sholom Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_mE-prG2xSfJO6mv-KIrGafORzr1qZt_
Many documents related to the Temple are uploaded here, for example: board minutes, Guidelines for B’nai Mitzvah, historical documents, etc.
E-mail address for people currently active at Temple Sholom:
Summer 2021 Bulletin
June 20, 2021 by templesholomgalesburg • Uncategorized Tags: Temple Bulletin •
Summer 2021
Temple Sholom
Monroe & North Streets
P.O. Box 501
Galesburg, IL 60402-0501
President’s Message
I became President of the Temple a year ago. A major achievement during my presidency is that the Temple made the decision to get internet service. When I said this to my son, he said I was “off the rails.” And in a town like Galesburg, so full of trains, being off the rails doesn’t seem like a good thing. But it’s not simply about having internet at Temple Sholom. It’s about our community and holding it together. About allowing it to reach all of those who are part of our extended community, no matter where they live. Over the past year we have been able to hold Shabbat services on-line. We have been able to continue our Jewish education, celebrate a Bar Mitzvah, and be together (virtually) over the Holidays. As restrictions slowly lift, we are beginning to see each other in person and combine our old traditions with new ones. We are working towards a new normal that will allow us to continue to be a community going into the future. I am excited to see more of us in person as our communities open back up to a new “normal.”
As I look forward, we are in the beginning stages of planning a capital campaign that hopefully will provide financial stability for our congregation for years to come.
Thank you for supporting me as the President and the Temple with all of your hard work, openness, and kindness. Thank you for being part of keeping all of us “on the rails.”
Kevin Satisky
What a Difference a Year Makes
As I sat down to write this article, I reviewed my message to you from last year at this time. Last year, we were in the throes of the pandemic. We were forced to have to reconfigure our lives in so many ways. What before we considered normalcy was thrown out the window as we had to make peace with a totally new reality in which the way we lived our lives had to be curtailed and reconfigured; in which our continued health and life could no longer be taken for granted, and every choice we made was nothing less than an existential one.
What a difference a year makes! Today many, if not most, of us have been fully vaccinated. If so, the medical effects have liberated us from face masks and social distancing. We can travel. We can dine in restaurants and go to the movies. We can hug each other! Life is beginning to return to some semblance of what, before the pandemic, we considered to be normal.
While we may be moving back toward something akin to normal, will life ever again be for us truly normal? I don’t think so. Actually, I hope not. For there is nothing like an existential crisis to help us to look at life, the world around us, and the people we cherish through new eyes. Eyes of a greater awareness and a deeper appreciation.
As a rabbi, so often throughout the years I have sought to remind my congregants to count their blessings. Especially living in a nation like the U.S.A., our lives tend to be filled with countless blessings. But there is a problem with living lives in which our blessings overflow. That problem is that when we enjoy so many blessings, we tend to take each and every one of them – or at least most of them – for granted. But after living the year we just endured, wondering whether or not we would fall victim to that dreaded disease and if so, what toll would it take on us and would we survive, we are no longer free to take our blessings for granted. If COVID has taught us nothing else, it should have taught us to take nothing for granted. With almost 171 million cases worldwide, over 34 million of them in the U.S.A. alone, and with over 3.5 million deaths worldwide, over 605,000 of them in our nation, no longer are we free to take our manifold blessings for granted. That, in and of itself is yet one more blessing we can add to our bounty of blessings; a keener awareness of how blessed we truly are.
As we approach the coming summer, may we revel in the sun shining on our faces and our bodies enwrapped in its warmth. May we savor the taste of fresh air as we spend so much of our time outdoors after a year of sheltering at home. May we be filled with the love and joy of our reunions with family and friends whose hands we have not touched for these all too many months. To see those we care about eye-to-eye, to be in their physical company, hopefully will never again be something we take for granted, but we will cherish, every single moment we share their company.
Have a Joyful, Restful, Wonderful, Summer, Filled with an Attitude of Gratitude for All our Many Blessings, and a Fuller Awareness of the Presence of God in Our Lives!
Rabbi Henry Jay Karp
It somehow seems appropriate that as I am writing this, my first newsletter message as rabbinic intern, that we are reading Numbers during our weekly Torah readings. The Hebrew word for the Book of Numbers is Bamidbar, meaning “in the wilderness.” And that’s kind of how I feel right now – that we’re in uncharted territory.
It’s going to be a time of change and shifting roles and expectations, and I plan on doing my best. But as with anything new, there’s bound to be some growing pains as we adjust.
My goals, both as a rabbinic intern here, and for my future rabbinate, are to strengthen the Jewish community and widen the leadership base. My hope is to try some new things – which means I’ll be failing a lot – most things don’t succeed on their first try, but if we’re lucky, we’ll find some successes too.
During this crazy pandemic, a phase I have often heard and even more often used, is that we should give everyone “an extra helping of grace.” And by that, I mean that the way we survive (what I hope is the end of) COVID 19 and make our way back to normalcy, is that we need to give a little extra patience, a little extra kindness, a little more benefit of the doubt than we gave to people before. For myself, I feel like COVID has shortened my fuse, and I need to work that much harder to remind myself to be as kind and understanding as possible. The pandemic has been really rough for many of us, and we all could use an extra helping of grace. Most Hebrew/English dictionaries translate “grace” to chen/חן. But חן has a meaning much closer to “favor” or even “loveliness.” Instead, the attribute that I am aiming for is rachamim/רחמים meaning “compassion.” I love that the root for רחמים, is ר ח מ the same root for the word “womb.” Rachamim, for me, means strengthening my mothering attributes. In a tradition steeped in masculine imagery, I love drawing on the feminine aspect of G-d as I work on improving myself.
At some point or other during the pandemic, I think most of us have felt that we are stumbling around in the wilderness, bamidbar. I’m not here to lead us to any promised land, nor do I have any expectations of trying to do so. Instead, I hope to bring as much rachamim as I can to my role as rabbinic intern, and walk with you as we make our way through the wilderness together.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer, and I look forward to seeing and talking to you all soon. Much love,
Jennie Bunde
Three people will be serving Temple Sholom in rabbinic roles in the 2021/22 year: Rabbi Henry Karp will be continuing as our rabbi, but will be coming for just four visits during the year; Rabbi Reni Dickman will be returning to lead us in High Holiday services; and rabbinical student (and member of the congregation) Jennie Bunde will be doing a rabbinic internship from July 2021 through June 2022. A rabbinic internship is part of the program of the Academy for Jewish Religion-California, where Jennie is entering her 4th year. The role of the intern is similar to that of rabbinical students from URJ who have served our congregation in the past. The main difference is that AJRC interns have a local mentor (often a full-time rabbi at the congregation) who advises and consults with the intern. Rabbi Karp will be the main person serving in this role for Jennie, with Rabbi Dickman serving as mentor for the High Holidays.
To Maury Cohn, who has been hired as the Assistant Conductor of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, a 1-to-2-year position that begins in September.
To Maury Lyon, for re-election to District 205 School Board and David Amor for re-election to the Knox County Board. Maury was also re-elected to the position of Secretary of the School Board, and David to Vice-Chair of the County Board.
To the family of Dan Rudman, for the recognition of Dan as one of the nine Paul Harris Fellows for 2020 named by the Rotary Club. For each Fellow, $1,000 is donated to Rotary International in their name.
To Rebecca Watson, on her graduation from Galesburg High School; Becca will be attending Texas A&M in the fall.
To Maury Lyon, for mowing our large expanse of grass.
To Faye Schulz and Jonah Rubin for tending to the grounds of the Temple, including picking up leaves and weed-whacking.
To all those who have taught our children Hebrew this year, even though religious school was in hiatus because of pandemic restrictions: Faye Schulz, Maury Lyon, David Bunde, Susan Lyon and Penny Gold.
To Jonah Rubin, Gabe Raley, Jim Jacobs, and Faye Schulz for checking the building every week, running the water and making sure that everything is secure.
Services in June through August are bi-weekly; no Oneg Shabbat until further notice. We are currently doing hybrid services, with some people present at the Temple and others at home, all connected with Zoom. Services are at 7:30 p.m. Central time. All are welcome to attend—distance is now no barrier: You can join us on Zoom. For login information, please email us.
A full schedule of High Holiday services will be sent out in late August.
Need to switch?
If you cannot lead the service, please find someone to switch with. Inform David Bunde of the switch, too (david.bunde@gmail.com), as he sends out the weekly reminders.
Save the date!
Temple Sholom Annual Meeting
Sunday, July 11, time TBS
Summer/Fall Festival Schedule 2021 (5781/82)
(Note: festival begins the previous sunset)
Source: http://www.hebcal.com/holidays/
Tishah b’Av July 18
Leil Selichot August 28
Rosh Hashanah September 6
Yom Kippur September 16
Sukkot September 21-27
Simchat Torah September 29
Hannukah November 29-December 6
(from December 29, 2020 to June 6, 2021)
In memory of Joyce Carlson
Barb Reuter
In memory of Michael Fayman
Faye and Chuck Schulz
Jim and Hattie Jacobs
In memory of Dan and Sue Rudman
Jim and Hattie Jacobs
In honor of Susan and Maury Lyon’s 45th wedding anniversary
Jim and Hattie Jacobs
Memorial plaque for Jack Charles Feldman
Michel Feldman
Happy Tree of Life leaf
Sam and Yana Fayman, in honor of the birth of our granddaughter, Maya Garber, 11/28/20
Don’t see your name? If you have made a donation but do not see your name on this list and/or have not received an acknowledgement by mail, please let Penny Gold know. Sorry in advance for any slip ups!
Making a donation to Temple Sholom? If you would like to make a donation to Temple Sholom, please send your check to: Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-050, identifying the nature of the gift (e.g., in memory of, in honor of, or for the speed recovery of a particular person). Maury will notify Penny, who takes care of correspondence concerning such gifts (e.g., notifying the family of the deceased that a gift has been made in memory of that person).
Happy Tree of Life Donations
Donations may be made in recognition of a variety of events, for example: in honor of a happy occasion (anniversary, birth, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, etc.), or in honor of an individual or family. Donations may be made by an individual or a group, and may be made at three levels: a leaf ($200), an acorn ($500), and a stone ($1,000). A leaf can be engraved with four lines of text with 20 characters in each line, plus a brief fifth line (often a date). Acorns and stones are larger than leaves and can accommodate more text. Sample wordings can be found by looking on the Happy Tree of Life. If you want to make a donation, you can send your gift, along with specification of wording, to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501
Memorial plaques: If you would like to purchase a memorial plaque ($250), send your donation and desired wording to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501. You will find samples of what to include on the plaque by looking at ones already on the memorial board.
Gift Shop
Gift shop offerings have been pared back to candles (Shabbat, memorial, Hanukkah) and mezuzot. The easiest times to access the case are Friday evenings before or after services. For access at another time, contact Faye Schulz.
Corrections and additions: If you have corrections or additions for the new edition of Temple contact list, please send them to Penny Gold, pgold@knox.edu.
Proposals invited for use of the Chai Fund: In 2014, Temple Sholom received a gift of $10,188 from the Chai Foundation. We have drawn on these funds for several projects, using about one-third of the funding. The Temple Board welcomes proposals to use the fund; guidelines below. If you have an idea, you might want to start by discussing it with a board member. Proposals can be send to our president, Kevin Satisky, kevinsatisky@gmail.com
Mission Statement for use of the Chai Fund: Temple Sholom will use the money from the CHAI gift on initiatives that will invigorate the Temple community. The Temple will give each initiative up to $500. The funds can be used for (but not limited to):
Access to Brookside Cemetery
Because of problems in the past with people dumping trash inside the grounds of Brookside Cemetery, the cemetery association installed a combination lock on the gates. In order that all legitimate visitors are able to access the cemetery, here are instructions. Please make a note of the lock combination so that you have it when you go to visit the cemetery.
Pull your car up close to the gate, to be out of traffic on Linwood Road. Use the small pedestrian gate to the left of the main gate to enter the cemetery. The lock is on the inside of the main gate. The combination tumblers are on the bottom of the lock, protected by a removable weatherproof rubber cover. The combination is 0311. Once the combination is set, depress the shackle and then pull or you will feel the lock open. To open the main gate, remove the lock and swing open the horizontal bar. There are two vertical rods seated into holes in the middle of the driveway. Lift up the rod holding the left gate, pull the gate inwards and set the rod into the hole on the left side of the driveway. Do the same with the right gate. Pull your car into the cemetery to park.
Please make sure to close the gate after you exit, reseating the vertical rods, replacing the horizontal bar and re-locking the lock. To lock the padlock, depress the shackle to the closed position and while holding the shackle, spin the tumblers to a different number. Replace the rubber protective cover.
You can also just leave your car pulled into the entry and visit the cemetery on foot, but you will then need to be careful backing into Linwood Road when you exit.
We are sorry that the bad practices of a few have made this process necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know by contacting one of the cemetery trustees: Bob Bondi, David Amor, Jeremy Karlin.
please bookmark these links
Temple Sholom website: http://www.templesholom.co/
Note: Our website is undergoing a major reworking, and will go public this summer with a new address. We will send out the new URL when the site is completed.
Temple Sholom Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_mE-prG2xSfJO6mv-KIrGafORzr1qZt_
Many documents related to the Temple are uploaded here, for example: board minutes, Guidelines for B’nai Mitzvah, historical documents, etc.
E-mail address for people currently active at Temple Sholom: