Adult Education Events, Fall 2024

Adult Study/Adult Events for Fall 2024 


  1. Sunday, August 11th: Movie screening: Legend of Destruction, before Tisha B’Av, and discussion session afterwards 
  2. Saturday, September 14th: Kol Nidre and Demon Bowls – beginning with Havdalah, we will spend this study session exploring the legal and magical roots of Kol Nidre.  For those interested, we will be creating demon bowls after the text study.  Please let Rabbi Jennie know in advance if you are staying for the demon bowl craft, to ensure she has enough supplies.  
  3. Saturday, October 12th:  after Yom Kippur morning services –  text study on the 13 Divine Attributes of Mercy, as explained in the 16th century work,  The Palm Tree of Deborah
  4. November 10th: Movie screening about small town Jewish Life – exact film TBD. Potluck during screening and discussion afterwards. 
  5. Nov. 24th: TALK FOR A CHANGE – TALK FOR A CHANGE is a URJ initiative aimed at bringing communities together to have open conversations, even around difficult topics. Using URJ discussion topics, we will attempt to create a culture of constructive, respectful dialogue and engage others with curiosity, even when we have different points of view.
  6.  December 15th: Journeys into Judaism: Key Jewish Moments – building off of last year’s story sharing event, we invite members of the Temple Sholom community to share times in their lives that defined their identity as a Jewish person.  Please bring a dessert to share.  

Exact times and locations for each event will be shared via email.  For more information, please use contact us.