Summer 2024 Bulletin

Temple Sholom Bulletin Logo

Summer 2024



I would like all of you to think of your contributions to Temple Sholom.  Our community is strong and that strength comes from all of you.   Each of us contributes in our own way.

Some teach, lead services,

Bring food, send money,

          Some clean, rake leaves

Make calls, give consolation.

Some make music, others listen,

Some send reminders, others monitor our funds,

As a group we share our stories, pray together and

Plan together to keep ourselves safe and our Temple lovely.

We have built a garden,

We have improved our security,

We took care of our building

We have raised money for our Temple’s future.

My term as president of Temple Sholom will end at the Annual Meeting – now scheduled for August 4th at 3:00 p.m.

I hope that you can attend to plan together.  Thank you for all that you do.




Last month, I attended a Zoom meeting, hosted by the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), entitled, “Talk for a Change.”  While the title mentioned talking, in truth, it was all about listening.

The motivation behind this “Talk for a Change” webinar was to get the Jewish world talking and listening to Jews who hold differing opinions, ahead of the 39th World Zionist Congress (WZC), which will be taking place in the fall of 2025.  The WZC is the international “parliament of the Jewish people.”  Jews in the US and around the world vote on a slate that will represent the Diaspora’s voice in Israel.  During the 2020 WZC, voters made their voices heard on issues ranging from aliyah (immigration to Israel) to education, inclusion, and antisemitism.  We know some big issues will be brought up at the upcoming Congress.

I strongly believe the Jewish world is at a crossroads.  As I am writing this, the war in Israel and Gaza has been going on for more than 8 months.  And, as with so many aspects of modern living, it is getting harder and harder to talk about it with others who don’t share our views.  Most Jews hold strong opinions with regard to Israel and have passionate views on what they believe to be the best course of action.

Which brings me back to “Talk for a Change.”  Even as we disagree, we must keep talking.   When discussing hot button issues, try to create a safe space to learn, grow, and foster understanding. The goal of dialogue is not to persuade someone to adopt a particular point of view. Nor is the intent to leave with definitive answers, but instead to open conversations that lead to understanding and respect.  As the WZC gears up for its next meeting, we can only hope and pray that our delegates will listen as much as they talk.

Temple Sholom is a sacred space for community and prayer.  We have no political or socio-ideological litmus tests for membership.  And our membership is becoming more and more diverse.  As we move forward, let us always remember that Temple Sholom needs to be a home for all people with a pintele yid, a Jewish spark, who wish to engage with G-d.  And may we never forget the opening phrase of the watchword of our faith, Shema Yisrael – listen, Israel!

Have a wonderful summer,

Rabbi Jennie (she/her)




Date Leader Oneg Tech
5/31 Lyon Karlin/Raley-Karlin Lyon
6/7 Rubin Lyon D. Bunde
6/14 No services    
6/21 Karlin/Raley-Karlin Schulz Lyon
6/28 No services    
7/5 Satisky-Schulz Rubin J. Bunde
7/12 No services    
7/19 Amor Bunde Amor
7/26 No services    
8/2 West Jacobs D. Bunde
8/9 No services    
8/16 D. Bunde Gold Lyon
8/23 No services    
8/30 Jacobs Cohn/Eberhardt J. Bunde
9/6 Schulz Satisky Amor


After this, we’ll be back on the services-every-week schedule.

Leaders can find the names to read before the kaddish at this link:


Oneg responsibilities include: providing the food for the oneg, setting it out in the social hall, and cleaning up afterwards.  (Beverages are kept in stock at the temple.)  If you cannot attend services the evening you are assigned for the oneg, please switch with someone for another night, rather than just dropping off the food ahead of time.  Thanks!

Need to switch?

If you cannot lead the service or provide the oneg, please find someone to switch with.  Inform David Bunde  of the switch.



Mazel Tov to Katarina Rericha for becoming a certified lactation specialist.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Jennie Bunde, who was formally elected to the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), the Reform rabbinic professional organization.

Thanks from Rabbi Dickman for the condolence note people sent her after the death of her mother: “I really appreciated the note from so many people in the congregation.  That was a real comfort.”


If you have a name you would like to add to the Mi Shebeirach list for healing, send a note to Gabe, chair of the Hesed Committee, by either email or text message. We will keep saying the name each week, until we know there’s no longer a special need for this person. We will still ask for names at each service; this is just an additional way to add a name to the list.



 The Temple Annual Meeting will be on

August 4th at 3:00 p.m.

(at the Temple)



For security reasons, car access to Brookside Cemetery is controlled by having a locked gate at the entrance, but you can always walk in through the smaller gate to the side. Make a note of the lock combination (0311) so that you have it when you go to visit the cemetery. Please make sure the gate is closed after you exit, with the padlock re-locked. If you have any questions, please contact one of the cemetery trustees: Bob Bondi, David Amor, and Jeremy Karlin.


Proposals invited for use of the Chai Fund: In 2014, Temple Sholom received a gift of $10,188 from the Chai Foundation. We have drawn on these funds for several projects, using about one-third of the funding. The Temple Board welcomes proposals to use the fund; guidelines below. If you have an idea, you might want to start by discussing it with a board member. Proposals can be sent to our president, Faye Schulz.

Mission Statement for use of the Chai Fund: Temple Sholom will use the money from the CHAI gift on initiatives that will invigorate the Temple community. The Temple will give each initiative up to $500. The funds may be used for (but not limited to):

  • scholarships for skills/leadership development
  • care of the Temple Sholom building and grounds
  • programs that bring the Temple community together and support our presence in Galesburg (and surrounding communities)
  • tzedakah projects that engage the members of the congregation
  • the purchase of religious objects/books, and technological additions and upgrades.

When requesting for funds from the CHAI grant, Temple Sholom members should state how the supported project will realize the mission of invigorating the Temple community.



As thanks for the opportunity to observe a yahrzeit

Jolie and Herman Hersh

In memory of Burrel Yale Wainer and Kathryn Leibowitz

Hilary Donnelly and Tamara Wainer

In support of Temple Sholom

Avram Lyon and Doreen Orange

In memory of Michael Fayman

The Fayman Family

As thanks for welcoming them on Rosh Hashanah

            Elen Oneal

In memory of Carol Grodjesk

Alan and Janette Janssen                                               James and Karen Tucker

Alexis-North Henderson Ambulance Service                  David and Marie Volkers

Traci Margolis                                                              Charles and Celinda Vestal

Robert and Susan Carsoon                                             Rebecca Laqsh

Wanda Cook                                                                 Hattie and Jim Jacobs

North Henderson Fire Department                                  Madeline Wood

Beverly Devlin                                                             Jan and Guy West

Mary and Gregory Herrman                                           Susan and Maury Lyon

Faye and Chuck Schulz                                                 Penny Gold and David Amor

Dawn VanDell                                                              Rick and Donna Winbigler

L.A. Cavanaugh                                                            Ruth Seidel

Illinois Association of Retired Firefighters Galesburg Chapter


In honor of Jan West’s 80th birthday

Craig and Marcia Johnson                                             Terri and Douglas Moore

Maury and Susan Lyon                                                  Judy and Robert Boynton

Adam Vitale                                                                 Roger and Melissa Williamson

The Bunde Family                                                        Hattie and Jim Jacobs

Mrs. Erika Turner                                                         Andrea Vitale

Mrs. Leigh Helsel                                                         Faye and Chuck Schulz

William Phillipsen                                                        Judy Sidell

Gayle Stewart                                                               Richard and Carole Bondi

Kathy and David Sparks                                                Yanna and Sam Fayman

Joyce Coffman                                                              Troy and Walter Treash

Margaret Weybright                                                      James and Suellen Purlee

Jane and Bill Boydstun                                                  Pamela Robinson

Dave and Mary Malecha                                                Sarah Koons

Betsy and Melody Rapmund & Family                           David Amor and Penny Gold

Rodney and Trisa Eiker                                                 Jerry and Julie Krueger

In memory of Alexander Faynov

The Fayman Family

 Don’t see your name?  If you have made a donation but do not see your name on this list and/or have not received an acknowledgement by mail, please let Nancy Eberhardt know. Sorry in advance for any slip ups!


Making a donation to Temple Sholom?  If you would like to make a donation to Temple Sholom, please send your check to: Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-050, identifying the nature of the gift (e.g., in memory of, in honor of, or for the speed recovery of a particular person). Maury will notify Nancy Eberhardt, who takes care of correspondence concerning such gifts (e.g., notifying the family of the deceased that a gift has been made in memory of that person).


Happy Tree of Life Donations

Donations may be made in recognition of a variety of events, for example: in honor of a happy occasion (anniversary, birth, bar/bat mitzvah, birthday, etc.), or in honor of an individual or family. Donations may be made by an individual or a group, and may be made at three levels:  a leaf ($200), an acorn ($500), and a stone ($1,000). A leaf can be engraved with four lines of text with 20 characters in each line, plus a brief fifth line (often a date). Acorns and stones are larger than leaves and can accommodate more text.  Sample wordings can be found by looking on the Happy Tree of Life. If you want to make a donation, you can send your gift, along with specification of wording, to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501


Memorial Plaques:  If you would like to purchase a memorial plaque ($250), send your donation and desired wording to Maury Lyon, Treasurer, Temple Sholom, Box 501, Galesburg, IL 61402-0501. You will find samples of what to include on the plaque by looking at ones already on the memorial board.


Gift Shop

Gift shop offerings have been pared back to candles (Shabbat, memorial, Hanukkah) and mezuzot.  The easiest times to access the case are Friday evenings before or after services.  For access at another time, contact Faye Schulz, 335-7192.